Can Doers and Can't Doers: Which One Are You?

April 22, 2021
by -

There are two types of organisms: "can doers" and "can't doers".The reason I use the term "organism" is that every living entity (you, your spouse, your company, your country, your economy... etc.) is an "organism" and organisms are adaptive environments and the same rules based on the "science of evolution" (see Theory of Evolution) apply to influencing all adaptive environments."Can Doers"Can doers are organisms that grow because they find a way "to grow"... they find a way to "do it". They can. They do. They are "can doers". Can doers have a growth mindset and are highly adaptable. Can doers tend to have higher ethical intelligence (see Unicist Research on Ethical Intelligence) and the ability to think conceptually, making decisions based on the greater good rather than solely on self-interest.You are a "can doer" if you have the following:

  • Adaptive mindset: mental attitude of assessing the facts and circumstances of the current situation and/or environment and making the appropriate adjustments to thrive in any scenario
  • Growth mindset: a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment
  • Agile: having the faculty of quick motion; apt or ready to move; nimble
  • Flexible: capable of being flexed or bent without breaking
  • Tend to be self-reflective: the ability to pay attention to your own thoughts, emotions, decisions, and behaviors
  • Tend to have higher than average emotional intelligence: the ability to empathize with others

Can't doers tend to have lower ethical intelligence which drives personal maturity. Ethical intelligence evolves and is driven by the personal reflection process that focuses on value generation. (Learn more about Unicist The Human Mind: The Triadic Functionality of Intelligence).You are a "can't doer" if you are:

  • Afraid of or dislike change
  • Operating in survival mode
  • Lack of personal reflection, lack the ability to self-reflect and apply the learnings to grow
  • Full of excuses or reasons it can't be done
  • Inflexible and rigid
  • Want to play it safe, keep things in the status quo
  • Often lack authentic empathy, may fake empathy when it suits their purpose

I am working on a larger research project that I hypothesize will support my theory that organisms (companies, organizations) operate as "can-do" (growth or innovative) or "can't do" (slow growth, lacks innovation) and share these same key characteristics that it can be measured by key growth indicators.I will be sharing this research in the near future but if you want to learn more please feel free to email me directly at