Objects Driven Marketing

February 29, 2020
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By understanding the concepts people have in their minds potential buyers can be segmented for marketing purposes. With a conceptual approach to marketing, research on the buying process can be combined with knowledge of the science of evolution for complete understanding so that strategies can be built. The conceptual marketing approach uses various catalysts and objects to drive or influence buyers on their respective buying journeys. Objects can include those categorized as commercial, semantic, semiotic and branding objects.

Marketing objects are encapsulated adaptive systems that produce predefined results that can be inserted in marketing processes to increase sales. Marketing objects accelerate buying processes and diminish the energy necessary to generate sales. This approach has been developed to ensure the critical mass of the processes.Catalysts are process accelerators. Marketing catalysts have been used ever since people had to produce results in business, social and political marketing. The acceleration of the processes depends on the specificity of the catalysts.There are five different types of objects typically used in conceptual marketing approaches:

  • Driving ObjectsTo drive marketing process to generate buying decisions
  • Catalyzing ObjectsTo accelerate buying processes by generating the need of a solution and making it accessible.
  • Entropy Inhibiting ObjectsTo inhibit the entropy of marketing process and build customer loyalty
  • Inhibiting ObjectsTo inhibit dysfunctional aspects of marketing actions
  • Gravitational ObjectsTo integrate value propositions into existing trends.

Developing an object driven marketing strategy can be done manually or with increased confidence by applying the science around evolution with the Unicist Market Labs. The use of catalysts requires introducing synchronic actions to ensure the critical mass of marketing processes. With Unicist the use of binary actions (DDAs) are objects that allow installing marketing catalysts integrated with driving objects to accelerate buying processes. Companies who have successfully used object driven marketing include companies like Amazon, MacDonalds, and now I’m using this with Zenoti.Learn more about Object Driven Marketing at Unicist.org.The Unicist expert systems emulate the concepts of buying and marketing processes and simplify the building of marketing solutions based on the use of the concepts and fundamentals of processes and a pilot testing approach that ensures the functionality of results.Interested in a free consult on the object driven or conceptual marketing approach used at Unicist? Email carmen@dayedigital.com or call today!